Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Reflecting on 2014

Well, friends, as of 2 hours ago it is now officially 2015. I am not much of a person to make New Year's Resolutions or anything like that, however, I do want to take a couple minutes to reflect on the many blessings, trials, and lessons I learned in 2014. 

This past year God has really stretched me and grown me spiritually. It all seemed to start back in March when I began applying for teaching jobs for the fall. In my mind I had my plan of what I was going to do and where I was going to teach, ultimately I was going to stay in the States and get some teaching experience before moving overseas. God, however, had different plans. It was during this whole application process and waiting time that God began to show me that His plans are not my plans and His ways are not my ways (Isaiah 55:8). As you already know God led me to Guam where I have grown quite a bit through being here. Not only in the 5 months that I have been here, but also in the 3 months prior to when I found out I was moving overseas. 

Before God showed me where He wanted me I had to trust Him for a couple months knowing that He had something special in mind and all I needed to do was trust Him to reveal that to me in His time. This was not always an easy task, but through His strength I was able to trust Him and follow His leading for my life. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Yes, I have had many challenges, but I know I am exactly where He wants me and He has a plan and purpose for my life here. Knowing this gives me comfort that if I were any other place I would not be happy because I would be outside of God's will.

Looking back I see how God prepared me not only in 2014 but all the years of my life for moving to Guam, and I know me being here is simply another step towards fulfilling His plan in my life. I have grown a lot, but I know I have a lot more growing to do. Even in the last 5 months of being here on Guam, God has provided time and time again not only for my needs, but also for my wants. So, looking forward to 2015 I have no idea what challenges, blessings, or anything else it may hold, but I do know that I serve an awesome God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will take care of me through both the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, so I have absolutely nothing to worry about. This year I want to know my God and who He is more, and understand more that He is all I need. GOD IS ENOUGH. This is a lesson I started to learn in 2014, but still need to learn and to grasp in 2015 as new trials may come my way. 

Here are a few pictures to summarize the year 2014:

Saturday, December 6, 2014

God's Provision

I just wanted to quickly share one huge answer to prayer. In my last post I mentioned how I had been struggling with the need for a car, but realized that God had the perfect car out there somewhere for me. Well, right after I finished posting I checked my email, and in my inbox was a message about a potential car. I was very excited and immediately responded that I was interested. Throughout the course of the next 2 weeks I talked to my parents and others, got my finances all lined up to purchase a car while final little glitches were being taken care of. To make a long story short, God has provided a car for me and I am now a proud owner of a 2005 Toyota Echo!!! :) God is good!

It has now been a whole week that I have had the car, and I am loving it! So thankful for the Lord's provision!

Here is a picture of us girls at the water park that we went to the Saturday after my last post, where a friend called and asked me join her at this place that she was able to get passes to. 

Well it is time for bed, goodnight, and thank you so much for your continued prayers! I am so blessed and thankful!

Friday, November 14, 2014


Lately I have realized just how much I truly have to be thankful for. God has provided far above and beyond anything I could ever ask or think, and I am so thankful for that. I know a couple days ago I listed some things that I am thankful for, but since then I have given it more thought and broken things down into more details and realized to a greater degree all that I have.

Just to share some things, I want to start out by saying how thankful I am for my Harvest family. There are many names that I can share and list specific things that I appreciate about each of them, however, I won't. But I will say there is always someone that I can turn to whether it be for advice, encouragement, or simply someone to just talk to or hang out with, someone is there. I never get the impression that I am being bothersome no matter how often I talk to the same person or seek advice from them. I could not ask for a better place to work. God is good!

Secondly, as the holiday season approaches I have wondered what I will do with not being able to go home, but I have had multiple offers from different people to spend Thanksgiving with them, or to just chill and do different things over the Christmas Break. I know that although I will be away from my family and will miss them dearly that I will not be lonely, and for that I am very thankful! God provides!

Thirdly, with having been homesick recently I have been trying to keep my schedule busy and take advantage of the various things that I have here and be thankful for them instead of dwelling on what I don't have and the things that I miss. Also, with today being Friday I have been thinking about what I should do tomorrow to keep myself busy and trying to figure out who I should call to plan something. As I was pondering this dilemma, my phone rang and someone that I have not been able to talk to much called to see if I had any plans for tomorrow and invited me join her for an adventure. It just so happened that she had gotten passes and the person she was going to invite wasn't able to go anymore so she called me. This made me realize that God cares about even my smallest "needs" or desires. He will take care of me and I have absolutely nothing to worry about....just more things to be thankful for!

I have been struggling a little recently with needing a car and wondering how long I will have to wait, but the more I think about it the more I realize that God already has all that figured out. He has the right car out there for me somewhere and when I really need it it will become available and all the details will work out. I just need to trust Him and be thankful that I don't have the extra expense and responsibility to worry about now. God's plan is perfect!

I am also so thankful for each of my students and their families. Most, if not all, of my parents are very understanding and helpful, and overall my students are well behaved. But as I am typing this right now, I am realizing that I am also thankful even for the naughty students. I get to learn how to deal with various situations that can be challenging, and because of this I can grow as a teacher and learn things that I otherwise would not have been able to learn if my kids were all well behaved. The more challenging students add an interesting dynamic to the classroom. There is never a dull moment, and today I found myself laughing (inside) at different things that they were doing even though it may not have been what they should have been doing! ...Now you are probably wondering if I am going to share any stories. Honestly right now I can't think of almost just had to be there and see them, their little mannerisms and understand the situation, but if I think of one I will definitely share it, so stay tuned! 
God definitely does have a sense of humor, though!

Another thing to be thankful for is Skype and being able to make free phone calls to the States on nights and weekends. I am thankful for the many friends and family that I have all over the world praying for me, and being able to call them every now and then (some once a week). This is a luxury that is so easy to take for granted, but something that I am very thankful for. It makes the distance not seem quite as big, and even in some sense the time goes by faster being able to keep up to date with the various happenings. God loves us and hears our prayers!

So, I want to close with challenging you to take a minute or two to really stop and think of the many things that you have to be thankful for. Maybe some things that you take for cold weather or snow during this holiday season. ;) Whatever it may be, stop and thank God for it. This has helped me not only think about what I have, but realize more of who God is. So thank Him for the good and the bad, for the easy and the hard, because He has a perfect plan that He is working through you. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In every thing give thanks: ..."

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hiking through the Jungles of Guam

I decided I better get these pictures posted before starting another week of school, otherwise who know when it will get done! ;)

With today being Veteran's Day we did not have any school, so I was able to experience a new part of Guam and island life. I went on a hike to a place called Sela Bay. This was unlike the hikes I am used to in West Virginia, instead of hiking through the woods we hiked through the jungle. There was also lots of mud and it was pretty slippery. It took us about 30 minutes or so to hike from the car to the beach. Once we got to the beach we just sat and relaxed for a few hours before heading back. 
Here are a few pictures:

Hiking in the muddy jungle...

It was really hot!

Spanish bridge

We found the ocean!

I was trying to show how muddy I was, but it didn't really show up in the picture...

Walking to our "camping" site

View from "camping site"

We went snorkeling when we first got there. The water was very shallow so it was hard to snorkel, but while we were putting our gear on we saw two baby sharks swimming around (they had gotten through the reef because they were so small - most of the time the sharks are outside of the reef). 

Some of the treasures others found while snorkeling...

Then we built a fire with whatever materials we could find so that we could cook our lunch.

They found some clams that the island boys were opening up and eating. I tried a little...
They had also brought fishing spears on the hike, and some of the guys caught fish with the spears, cooked it over the fire and ate it.

Some pictures from the hike back. The paths were filled with wild orchids that looked like this. They were very pretty!

While we were down at the beach it felt like we were trying to survive on an island. However, I think it was more of a realization for me of what island life is like for some. They are calm and laid back, not in a hurry for anything, not worried about what they will eat this week, rather what will I eat today. If the college boys (who grew up on the islands) got hungry they went and caught their fish using a spear and ate it. One of the boys decided to use his machete and cut off some palm tree leaves to make shade. He called it his house. :) It was nice to have a slow paced day and learn more about the island way of doing things.

Today was a good day to reflect on God's beauty and remember all the things I have to be thankful for!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Modge Podge of Updates

Wow, I can't believe it's been almost two months since my last post! Sorry about that! I will try to post more often from now on (however, no promises). Life has gotten pretty busy with the different happenings of school.

Let me see, though, since my last post...

  • We have had an unexpected day off of school due to a typhoon (which was only a tropical storm when it hit us). This was an exciting new experience.
  • We had our revival services, or Summit Meetings, at church with Will Galkin as the speaker. That was really encouraging. It gave me lots of things to think about and work on, which is always good. :)
  • We had International Day which was a half day and the students dressed up from various countries all over the world.
  • I started going to a Bible Study on Saturday nights (whenever there is no Harvest function going on) at the Kirkland's home. This has been very refreshing and encouraging having a connection outside of Harvest (although Harvest is great, it is nice to have contacts outside the little bubble). They are also a small connection to my home back in Beckley, WV, which is a great blessing. I am so thankful for them and their friendship and ministry.
  • I ran a 5K in about 30 minutes. We had to be there at 5:30 am for a start time of 6:00 am. It was a lot of fun, but I'm not used to running in the heat that early in the morning. The sun rises between 5:30 and 6:00 am and sets about the same time pm. The average temperature here whether sun or dark is upper 70s to mid 80s.
  • We had Apple Day at school - my first full special day. Overall it went really well. We made applesauce in the classroom, had a visit from Johnny Appleseed, painted with apples, made apple mobiles, and inspected the inside and outside of an apple. In addition, we had a visit from the firemen and learned a little about what they do and the different parts of the truck. This was in conjunction with the Kindergarten classes' Career Day.
  • Today I successfully finished my first day of Parent Teacher Conferences without any major problems, which is a huge blessing! The parents here are very understanding and supportive of the teachers. One thing I found interesting, though, is that the teachers sadly seem to get more respect than the parents. I had one parent ask me to tell her son (while she was sitting there) that he needs to obey her. I had another parent comment that they should get a life size picture of me so that their child would be more motivated to obey. Another parent almost used me as a threat to their child, saying that she would call me if needed so that her child would obey. It was an eye opening experience to how different the culture and way of thinking is. The teacher has a high value and respect level from both parent and student.
    I guess you could say this was a good reminder of what a ministry and impact I can have on each of my students and their families!
  • I'm sure there have been many more things that have happened since my last post, but these are all the major events that I can remember right now. 
Lately, I have been struggling with being content with where God has placed me when all my friends, and family and all that is familiar are back in the States. With the holidays coming up it has also been a little more challenging knowing that I will not be able to go home. But through this challenge God is teaching me many things, and I am growing closer to Him because of it. I am finally starting to truly realize and understand that GOD IS ENOUGH!!! I do not need anyone or anything else to satisfy me. Right now I am right where God has me, and if I were any place else I would not be happy because I would be outside of His will. There have been many people here who have been very encouraging and supportive of me during this time and helped me direct my focus back to God. I am so thankful for them. 

Seeing that it is the month of November, "Thankfulness month," I have realized how truly blessed I am and how many things I have to be thankful for. Here are just a few things that I would like to share:

  • I serve a wonderful God, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He is ALL I need
  • I get to live on an island
  • I am teaching 25 wonderful 1st graders
  • I have encouraging and supportive school parents
  • I am healthy and have not gotten sick yet despite the sickness that is going on around me 
  • I have a wonderful group of fellow believers, family, that I get to serve alongside of, encourage, and be encouraged by. People that will point me back to God, my Father, when I am tempted to sin
  • I have a wonderful supportive and encouraging family back home that loves me
  • I have all of you readers around the world who are encouraging and praying for me. Some days this is more of an encouragement than you may realize. I am so thankful for each and everyone of you.
The list can go on and on. One more simple thing of thanks - I am thankful for a day off tomorrow where I get to go hiking and relax at the beach for the day. :) I will try to think of you and pray for those who are suffering in the cold weather while I suffer at the beach. ;-) Pictures coming soon.

Here are a few random pictures of various activities, my students, and classroom. Enjoy!

The "indoor" recess area - during snack and rainy days.

Working hard in the classroom.

Beautiful sunset.

Ypao Beach

Panoramic view of my classroom from the doorway.


International Day

Sunrise at the 5K

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Tour of the Island

After a long week of school it was nice to be able to get together with some of the other teachers and enjoy a change of scenery while we toured the island. There were so many beautiful places to see, and all different, so of course I had to take pictures of them all! I have narrowed them down for you, but there are still quite a few, so grab that pumpkin spice latte, sit down and enjoy a quick tour of Guam. Enjoy!

First stop...Plaza de Espana

This monument marks where the Guam insular guardsmen led the only ground resistance when the Japanese invaded Guam during WWII

This is the more populated part of the island, where I live.

We went on a small hike in the woods where the Chamorros were forced to carry these huge guns up the mountain, and then once they got them there, were never fired, hence, they are called the silent guns. It was not an easy trail to carry these heavy machines up by any means!

Afterwards, we went and saw the port where almost everything we buy on Guam is shipped in.
If you look closely you can see a boat on its way in now.

Port where we buy all the gas.

All the groceries, household items, etc. are imported in these containers and stop here to go through customs before they are sent to the store to be put on the shelf where we then buy them. Which explains why everything here is so much more expensive!

View of the port and surrounding area. 

Here is our group of teachers that went on the tour today.

...see the ship?

After visiting a WWII museum we went to this beach, where we met a park ranger who gave us a brief history of this of the first landing places during the war.

...but I was more interested in the view...

...and the hermit crabs. :-)

One of the new teachers at Harvest, Stephanie Jensen, who was also in the same group that I went to China with last summer. It was good to be able to spend some more time with her. :)

I ate fresh coconut!


This view reminded me a lot of Scotland with the mountains and the rainclouds. 

I also got to ride a carabou (also known as a water buffalo)! 

Panoramic view of the site. This one was my favorite, it was absolutely gorgeous!

...wild carabou, enjoying the nice mud/water puddle.

Another picture that reminded me of Europe.

Harvest has a church plant on the south side of Guam, so we drove by there, and they were trimming the coconut trees by the road, so we stopped to say hi, and each of us got our own coconut. Here she is using a machete to cut off the outside of the coconut.

Then I got to drink the coconut juice straight out of it (from a different one, though). It had a little bite to it, but was pretty good!

When the lady was done cutting the outside of the coconut off she gave the inside to me (this is the good part). :)

Then we finished our day off at the beach watching the beautiful sunset!

While we waited for the sun to set, though, I had eaten a some chicken off of the leg, then put the leg in the water and watched the fish come up and eat it. This was pretty exciting to see. The water was also super clear!

Enjoying the beautiful sunset from different views on the beach. It was cool, because as it set, the sky was colorful all the way around!

...this view was actually behind where sun was setting!

As we toured the island today, I was reminded what a great God we serve. Throughout the day I had different songs going through my head, and just had the urge to sing (which doesn't happen very often). Although I may have days or even weeks that are more challenging at school the song that kept going through my head was Day by Day. 

Day by day and with each passing moment
Strength I find to meet my trials here
Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment
I've no cause for worry or for fear
He who's heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives unto each day what He deems best
Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure
Mingling toil with peace and rest

No matter what, God will give me the strength that I need to get through each day, and I have no need to worry or fear. This has been a great day, and a good reminder of just what a great and awesome God I serve!