Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Flight Itinerary

Sunday night as I was getting ready to go to bed, I decided to just quick check my email, and there in my inbox was an email with my flight itinerary! :) My confirmed departure date is Monday, July 28. It will be here before I know it and I have a lot of things to do before then. One of which is figuring out which items I should bring with me and which I should leave behind. Everything I am not taking on the airplane with me will be shipped in boxes to Guam. 

Last night I unofficially found out who my roommate will be, so that will help tremendously in the packing, and we will be able to coordinate our things to match and so that we don't have duplicates. She is also a teacher who has been there for 3 years now, so she knows what is available to purchase there and what things Harvest will provide, since we will be staying in apartments that are owned by the school. 

Please pray for wisdom in deciding what things to bring, and what to leave behind. Through moving so many times during my life (an average of every 3 years) I know what to expect with packing and it just becomes more and more dreaded, but I know it is a necessity so I will try to see it as an adventure. :)

Also, please pray that my parents will be able to come out to Guam with me and help me move in and get settled. I know this is something that I am capable of doing on my own, but it would be such a blessing to have them there with me. They were unable to move me in to college my freshman year, so I think this would be a great opportunity for them, and fun for them to see the environment I will be living in and calling home for at least the next 3 years. 

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! Love you all!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

As many of you know, I have accepted a job to teach 1st grade in Guam for the next 3 years. I will do the best I can to update you on the progress of packing and moving there, getting situated, my classroom, my students, etc. I will also try to post prayer requests here. Thank you so much for your continual prayer and support and encouragement for me as I embark on this new journey and chapter of my life that God has called me to. I appreciate each and every one of you!