Monday, June 16, 2014


I realize it has been a while since my last post, due to the fact that there is not much new to report. I am still trying to sort through all of my belongings and figure out which items would be best to bring, and which ones would be better to leave at home and replace once I get to Guam, or better yet, get rid of. :) This has been a challenge, and is a slow process, along with finding the most efficient and cheapest way to ship everything there. I have started working my summer job - babysitting/nannying, which has taken up much of my time, as well, making it more difficult to find time to sort through my stuff.

Last Monday, I was blessed with the opportunity to meet my new boss, the elementary school principal. Her and her husband are back in the States for a couple weeks, and were able to stop by ABC and visit with me and my parents for a little while, which was a huge blessing. 

I have also been updated on my housing arrangements. Originally I thought I was going to be rooming with one other girl, but as it turns out, things were rearranged a little and I will now be rooming with two other girls. I am a little disappointed about this, but I know even in this minor detail God's way is perfect, and I have so enjoyed seeing Him work out all the little details, even the unimportant ones throughout the whole planning time. 

Please pray:

 1) That I will continue to trust God with all the details, and trust that His plan for my life is perfect. 
I am looking forward to this new step and adventure in life, but I know there will be many things and people here in West Virginia that I will miss. As I finish out these next few months, I want to enjoy every minute of it and be thankful for the time that I do have and remain teachable, realizing life is not about me, but others. 

 2) That I will find the time, energy, and motivation to finish packing, as well as continued prayer for wisdom in what to bring and what to leave behind. 

 3) That my parents (or whole family, but specifically parents) will be able to come and help me move in, or at least visit for Christmas if not before. 

Thanks again to each one of you for your continued prayer and support for me as I embark on this new journey in life.