Saturday, September 13, 2014

Tour of the Island

After a long week of school it was nice to be able to get together with some of the other teachers and enjoy a change of scenery while we toured the island. There were so many beautiful places to see, and all different, so of course I had to take pictures of them all! I have narrowed them down for you, but there are still quite a few, so grab that pumpkin spice latte, sit down and enjoy a quick tour of Guam. Enjoy!

First stop...Plaza de Espana

This monument marks where the Guam insular guardsmen led the only ground resistance when the Japanese invaded Guam during WWII

This is the more populated part of the island, where I live.

We went on a small hike in the woods where the Chamorros were forced to carry these huge guns up the mountain, and then once they got them there, were never fired, hence, they are called the silent guns. It was not an easy trail to carry these heavy machines up by any means!

Afterwards, we went and saw the port where almost everything we buy on Guam is shipped in.
If you look closely you can see a boat on its way in now.

Port where we buy all the gas.

All the groceries, household items, etc. are imported in these containers and stop here to go through customs before they are sent to the store to be put on the shelf where we then buy them. Which explains why everything here is so much more expensive!

View of the port and surrounding area. 

Here is our group of teachers that went on the tour today.

...see the ship?

After visiting a WWII museum we went to this beach, where we met a park ranger who gave us a brief history of this of the first landing places during the war.

...but I was more interested in the view...

...and the hermit crabs. :-)

One of the new teachers at Harvest, Stephanie Jensen, who was also in the same group that I went to China with last summer. It was good to be able to spend some more time with her. :)

I ate fresh coconut!


This view reminded me a lot of Scotland with the mountains and the rainclouds. 

I also got to ride a carabou (also known as a water buffalo)! 

Panoramic view of the site. This one was my favorite, it was absolutely gorgeous!

...wild carabou, enjoying the nice mud/water puddle.

Another picture that reminded me of Europe.

Harvest has a church plant on the south side of Guam, so we drove by there, and they were trimming the coconut trees by the road, so we stopped to say hi, and each of us got our own coconut. Here she is using a machete to cut off the outside of the coconut.

Then I got to drink the coconut juice straight out of it (from a different one, though). It had a little bite to it, but was pretty good!

When the lady was done cutting the outside of the coconut off she gave the inside to me (this is the good part). :)

Then we finished our day off at the beach watching the beautiful sunset!

While we waited for the sun to set, though, I had eaten a some chicken off of the leg, then put the leg in the water and watched the fish come up and eat it. This was pretty exciting to see. The water was also super clear!

Enjoying the beautiful sunset from different views on the beach. It was cool, because as it set, the sky was colorful all the way around!

...this view was actually behind where sun was setting!

As we toured the island today, I was reminded what a great God we serve. Throughout the day I had different songs going through my head, and just had the urge to sing (which doesn't happen very often). Although I may have days or even weeks that are more challenging at school the song that kept going through my head was Day by Day. 

Day by day and with each passing moment
Strength I find to meet my trials here
Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment
I've no cause for worry or for fear
He who's heart is kind beyond all measure
Gives unto each day what He deems best
Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure
Mingling toil with peace and rest

No matter what, God will give me the strength that I need to get through each day, and I have no need to worry or fear. This has been a great day, and a good reminder of just what a great and awesome God I serve!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Struggles and Blessings

I know it has been a little while since I last updated you on Guam happenings. Life has gotten a little busier and crazier, but in a good way. I have now completed 3 1/2 weeks of school. With each week my job seems to get a little easier as I am able to get more organized and start to figure things out. There is still so much for me to learn, and so much to do, but I am not feeling as overwhelmed as before. 

Here is a picture of the most recent recess fun...

...yup, playing with coconuts. 
First, they found the coconut and were running all over the playground trying to figure out a way to break this thing. Once they got it opened, they were enjoying drinking/eating the stuff inside. It was pretty entertaining to watch them. :) 

This past weekend was a three day weekend because of Labor Day on Monday, so that was really nice having the extra day to not only get stuff done in the classroom, but also relax a little too. Monday I had the privilege to go paddling. This is pretty much like a 6 person canoe, but it is skinner, and it is more of a workout than a leisure paddling down the river. We went out into the ocean and were paddling hard most of the time. We also left the beach shortly after 6am. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. This was definitely a challenging experience, and I was exhausted afterwards, but it was also a lot of fun!

There was also one  night last week that I was able to run along the beach, watch the sunset and then we went out to eat. This was before I went paddling, but ended up being the same place. Here are some pictures of the sunset.

Then we went to the Jamaican Grill afterwards, and here is a picture of their napkin (paper towel) holder, it was so cute I had to take a picture! 

I have now been on Guam for 5 1/2 weeks, and I have been super busy, but I have also had opportunities to relax and enjoy my new home. However, I am going to be really honest. It has not been all easy and "vacation." I think I am hitting the stage where I have been here long enough where my "vacation" is over and I am ready to come home. Then I realize I am home. It is a strange feeling. I love it here, but I have not gotten to the point where I can truly say this is home. It seems like one of these days I will be getting on a plane and going home. However, in reality that won't be for another 9 months or so. I miss my family and friends back home in West Virginia. I think part of it is I have many friends here, but none of them are super close yet. I know they will be, but we have all been busy with the new school year, and I haven't been here long enough to develop really close relationships. That takes time. I know it will come, but everything here is still somewhat new and unfamiliar. Another part of the challenge, I think is that I really like it here, the people, the view, my job (which doesn't even feel like a job), and I want to be able to share this wonderful experience with someone, those who I have had the time to develop closer relationships with. I know this is normal, it's called homesick, and in time it will pass, but going through it is always challenging. 

I was reminded in church this morning, though, that God is all I need. I have a tendency to turn to people first when times get tough and when I am struggling when really I need to turn to God and give it all over to Him. It has been good for me to be "plucked out" of my comfort zone and placed in an area far away from home in the unfamiliar. Here I am forced to turn to God first, and He will comfort me. This morning pastor talked about prayer, and he mentioned that prayer should be the first reaction and not the last resort. Then this evening I was reminded and challenged to bloom where God has planted me. Right now that is here on Guam. I don't know how long I will be here, but until God moves me, I need to humbly serve Him wholeheartedly and minister to those He has placed in my life now. Life is not about me, but about God and then others. 

Though the waves may come crashing in, God is still there, He is my Rock and my Stronghold... Shelter in the storm...

...and I will sing praises to Him forevermore!!

(this was in church last week)

Please pray, though, that I will truly trust in God not only for strength to get through each day, but also for wisdom in my teaching and interaction with my students. I have one student that I think God is really doing a work in her heart right now. She loves to read the Bible, and when we go to library she will choose books on Bible stories instead of any of the other options she has. She has many questions, and loves Bible class. Please pray specifically for her. 

Also, the longer I am here the more I see the need for a car. Please pray that God will provide enough funds and enough money for a car, and that I will trust His timing. My goal is to have one by the beginning of March. I realize, though, God may have other plans, but that is what I am praying toward. 

Have a good day, and thanks again for your prayers and encouragement! Love you all, and I am thankful for each one of you!