Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Reflecting on 2014

Well, friends, as of 2 hours ago it is now officially 2015. I am not much of a person to make New Year's Resolutions or anything like that, however, I do want to take a couple minutes to reflect on the many blessings, trials, and lessons I learned in 2014. 

This past year God has really stretched me and grown me spiritually. It all seemed to start back in March when I began applying for teaching jobs for the fall. In my mind I had my plan of what I was going to do and where I was going to teach, ultimately I was going to stay in the States and get some teaching experience before moving overseas. God, however, had different plans. It was during this whole application process and waiting time that God began to show me that His plans are not my plans and His ways are not my ways (Isaiah 55:8). As you already know God led me to Guam where I have grown quite a bit through being here. Not only in the 5 months that I have been here, but also in the 3 months prior to when I found out I was moving overseas. 

Before God showed me where He wanted me I had to trust Him for a couple months knowing that He had something special in mind and all I needed to do was trust Him to reveal that to me in His time. This was not always an easy task, but through His strength I was able to trust Him and follow His leading for my life. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Yes, I have had many challenges, but I know I am exactly where He wants me and He has a plan and purpose for my life here. Knowing this gives me comfort that if I were any other place I would not be happy because I would be outside of God's will.

Looking back I see how God prepared me not only in 2014 but all the years of my life for moving to Guam, and I know me being here is simply another step towards fulfilling His plan in my life. I have grown a lot, but I know I have a lot more growing to do. Even in the last 5 months of being here on Guam, God has provided time and time again not only for my needs, but also for my wants. So, looking forward to 2015 I have no idea what challenges, blessings, or anything else it may hold, but I do know that I serve an awesome God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will take care of me through both the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, so I have absolutely nothing to worry about. This year I want to know my God and who He is more, and understand more that He is all I need. GOD IS ENOUGH. This is a lesson I started to learn in 2014, but still need to learn and to grasp in 2015 as new trials may come my way. 

Here are a few pictures to summarize the year 2014:

Saturday, December 6, 2014

God's Provision

I just wanted to quickly share one huge answer to prayer. In my last post I mentioned how I had been struggling with the need for a car, but realized that God had the perfect car out there somewhere for me. Well, right after I finished posting I checked my email, and in my inbox was a message about a potential car. I was very excited and immediately responded that I was interested. Throughout the course of the next 2 weeks I talked to my parents and others, got my finances all lined up to purchase a car while final little glitches were being taken care of. To make a long story short, God has provided a car for me and I am now a proud owner of a 2005 Toyota Echo!!! :) God is good!

It has now been a whole week that I have had the car, and I am loving it! So thankful for the Lord's provision!

Here is a picture of us girls at the water park that we went to the Saturday after my last post, where a friend called and asked me join her at this place that she was able to get passes to. 

Well it is time for bed, goodnight, and thank you so much for your continued prayers! I am so blessed and thankful!