Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Beginning of 2015

Wow, I just realized I haven't blogged since the New Year, so sorry! I guess this semester has been pretty busy! As I look back and try to remember what has happened in January and February I can't really think of much. We did have Snow Day, 100 Day, Valentine's Day, and International Day at school, but that is about it. March has already been more eventful than the other two months. My parents were able to come for a short visit, and that was so much fun! I also just survived my second tropical storm, and am on Spring Break. 

Here are a few photos from the different special days at school and my parents' visit.

One of the students that I tutor a couple times a week.

Snow Day! :)

100th Day of School!!

Jump for 100 seconds

Making a 100 Day crown

Valentine's Day

International Day - the students each got to ride a carabou.

My parent's visit!! :)
The first day we went to a beach at the north end of the island called Ritidian.


We began hiking Mt. LamLam, but did not get very far

Inarajan Pools - beautiful view and waves

Mom observed my classroom a couple days.

I took them to some of my favorite restaurants.

We were able to drink out of a fresh coconut as well

...and of course enjoy a beautiful sunset!

Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."