Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Month of September

Well the school year is off to a running start. We are half way through the month of October, wow that flew by! I now have 23 students - 10 girls and 13 boys. We are still working on our listening skills in the classroom among many other things.

But since it's been way too long since I've blogged I'll start by giving some of the highlights of things that have been happening on this side of the world. 

First, at the very beginning of the year in our teacher in-service, one of the local car dealerships came and gave a very convincing preview of their cars and introduced their special deal that they were offering for Harvest teachers. In addition, they left two brand new vehicles with us that would be rotated among the staff. One was a 2015 Hyundai Tucson, and the other was a 2015 convertible Fiat 200. All the staff entered their names into a drawing and every two days (or 3 if it was a weekend) a new person would be the lucky winner and get to drive one of the two cars for the day. Well, it just so happened that the second to last weekend in August, my wonderful roommate's name was drawn for the Fiat. So we had the car for 3 days and we took advantage of it and drove it around the island and well everywhere. It was a lot of fun!

Moving on to the month of September, it was also full of lots of adventures. To start out with, it was my birthday month! God has blessed me with wonderful friends and a great roommate (also a wonderful friend) who made my day extra special. I woke up to this sign in our living room. 

Then came into the classroom and found these notes on my desk. 

Later that day after school, we went to watch the sunset and get some coffee. The sunset was gorgeous that day too, which made it even better!

Here is a gift that my "baby" brother - David carefully and thoughtfully made for me. 

The last Friday of September was our International Day at school where all the kids (and teachers) dressed up from different countries around the world. We had a fun day. 
Here are some pictures of my kids on their way to chapel. 

We had a special chapel that included all of elementary instead of just lower, and the upper elementary honors choir had some fun songs that they shared with us.

It was a half day of school and we had lunch served in our classrooms, AND, of all days, I had a birthday party. Needless to say I was glad the day was over at 12:30. It was a good day, though, and fun for the kids. 
Here is a picture of the lunch that was served, and...

...the birthday party.

This was just some fun recess entertainment that I had to take a picture of. :)

God has been so good to me this year. Now that's not to say it's been a perfect year. I've had my share of struggles, but once again He has shown Himself faithful and loving. I have nothing to complain about, but many things to praise Him for. 
Here is a picture of me on my birthday and the gorgeous sunset. 

"...My heart exults in the Lord; ...There is none holy like the LORD; for there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God. Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the LORD is a God of knowledge..."
1 Samuel 2:1-3