As the new school year has begun, I have already seen God start working and teaching me how much I need to depend on him. The day of parent orientation I was sick and unable to go to the inservice meetings which also caused me to not have much of any time to get my classroom presentable for orientation. God was good, though, and many of my coworkers pitched in here and there as they had a couple minutes, so when I was feeling well enough to go in and get a few things done, my classroom was presentable and so much more had been done that I could have done on my own! He also gave me just enough strength to get through parent orientation, because as soon as that was over I was not feeling well again. I was reminded that although it seemed like the worst timing for me, God's timing is perfect and I just need to trust Him because, praise the Lord, it will all work out! I am so thankful for my God and the Harvest family He has given me!
The first two days of school also went well. I have a class of 23 first graders right now (the number may change depending on if I get more or some never show up). They are a lively bunch, but I love them and am looking forward to a good year!
As a church body this year we will be focusing on Victorious Living and studying through the book of Romans. I am excited for this year and looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me.
Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."
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