Saturday, February 4, 2017

Friday Reflections

Welcome back, sorry for the long delay! Here is a selfie of my class on Tourist Day of Spirit week. 

As I sit in my classroom after a long Friday...or just a long week of school and Spirit Week...looking at papers everywhere, mud on the floor, and desks not where they are supposed to be, it looks like a tornado went through my room! I just want to leave this place for a really long time and ignore everything for a while, or at least for the weekend. I feel like I have no energy left to grade papers, straighten up my room, and make it presentable for parent teacher conference on Monday! How in the world will I get everything done, and get the sleep and rest I need over the weekend! But as I sit here thinking about the stress and craziness of my job, I am reminded of how blessed I am to have opportunity to teach and impact 24 little lives and their families. My job is a privilege, and many times I don't think of it as having to go to work every day. We all have our daily struggles with situations at work and/or at home, and I could sit here and complain about all my "problems" or frustrations, but I don't want to do that. Instead I want to encourage you when you feel the same way, as I have to daily remind myself, to turn your eyes upward, to the One Who provided this job for you, for me, and the One Who will provide grace and strength to accomplish what I need to get done in order to do the job well. I am reminded of how God said in James 4:6 that He gives more grace to the humble. And 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 where God said His grace is sufficient for me, and His power is made perfect in my weakness. So in this moment of feeling weak, overwhelmed, and like I can't keep trudging on I am reminded that God is there for me and will give me strength. I am right where He called me to be to do the job He has called me to do, and He will help me even when it may seem impossible. 

At first the sounds of children playing on the playground while waiting for their parents to come pick them up was somewhat annoying, I just want peace and quiet. Now it is more of a happy sound as I think of all the cute little children that belong to those voices, the families they belong to, and thank God for the opportunity to teach them. 

So, have a wonderful weekend resting in God's strength to do whatever it is that needs to be done with a joyful attitude!

Philippians 1:6 "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

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