Saturday, July 19, 2014

Final Week!

Well friends, I am now in my final week before I leave. Yesterday I shipped all of my belongings that I will be taking with me, so I am now officially living out of a suitcase! 

Look at all that stuff! ...I'm starting to wonder if I sent too much...oh well. It looked better once they were all in boxes, I just forgot to take a picture of that...oops! ;)

This is really a bittersweet time. I am getting excited (and nervous) about going, but I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to my dear friends here. It is encouraging to know, though, that I am following God's will for my life, I will be gone for a year (Lord willing) before I can come back and visit, and with today's technology, it's almost as if we were never apart, so that is comforting. 

Fun and crazy times with my sister while we were mini golfing!

This past week was the last week for me to spend time with my dad before I leave as he will be traveling next week, so we have been able to have some good family time. He also was a HUGE help for me as I packed my stuff this week! I am very thankful for my dad and will miss him (and the rest of my family)!

Enjoying a fun family game night consisting of Ticket to Ride and Quiddler (which I again failed to take a picture of).

The Lord has answered all of my prayers in allowing me to get everything packed, and giving me this past week where I could spend with family and not have to worry about work. 

If you could pray for me for this upcoming week that God would just prepare my heart for the move and that when the time comes I will be ready and excited to go. 

Also, that He will give me safety as I travel and my stuff will all make it safely, and it will just be a smooth transition both into a new school year and also moving to a new country. I will be honest with you, I am nervous about this school year. It has been almost a year since student teaching, and I am now responsible for everything in my classroom, I don't have a host teacher to lean on and bounce questions and ideas off of, but I do think that the other teachers will be very helpful when it comes to that. I guess the thing that worries me the most is establishing a good classroom discipline system and coming up with enough things to decorate my classroom and bulletin boards, all in just 2 weeks! But I know it will all work out in the end, it may just be a bit of a stressful 2 weeks, but God is good all the time, and He will give me the strength to get through!

Thanks again everyone for your continued prayer and support! It means a lot to me!

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