Saturday, July 5, 2014

God's Faithfulness

A couple weeks ago I received 4 different books to read in order to prepare my heart and mind for the upcoming school year. These books have been very good and challenging at the same time. They are not only applicable to my life once I get to Guam and start teaching, but also my day to day life here during the summer. I have been babysitting, and that has brought its challenges, but God has been good and faithful and shown me He is good no matter the circumstances, and I am learning a lot through it. 

Here are the books that I have been reading. I will also start reading through the books of 1 and 2 Timothy soon.

I am just about finished packing my first box to ship over to Guam. As I have been sorting through my stuff, I am realizing that I don't have as much as I thought (or at least not much that I am planning on bringing at this point ;-), which will be good. My goal is to get a couple more boxes filled and put in the mail this week. 

Things are slowly starting to come together, and departure date is creeping up quickly. Many people have asked how I am feeling about everything at this point and if I am getting excited. My honest answer, is that I am excited for this new adventure, but I really am not looking forward to saying goodbye to many good, close friends and family. I think I have started to feel too comfortable where I'm at, which, I guess means it is time to move on to some place different, where I have to rely on God more, and this is a good thing. 

There are not really any new prayer requests, however, God has answered prayer by  giving me strength and motivation to get my packing done, and wisdom in what to bring and what to leave behind. I am very thankful for this, and am looking forward to getting everything finished. Also, it does not look like there is any way at this point that my parents will be able to come with me the end of July when I leave, but I am praying they will be able to visit later in the year, like maybe around Christmas time. God knows best, and it will all turn out well in the end. The people in Guam have been very helpful to answer any and all questions that I have, in addition to providing extra beneficial information, so I am not worried or nervous about getting settled and adjusting on my own.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support!

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